“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – Bigotry: The Musical

Bigotry - The Musical - Theater Magazine cover

This is the cover of the theater magazine that will showcase the cast, scenes and musical numbers, a synopsis of the story, and [of course] the advertiser’s pages.

The lyrics of the songs and excerpts of dialog will appear throughout the book [as will spin-offs: games, puzzles, etc. based on the musical.]

Planned musical numbers include: “Oh, What a Beautiful Doctrine,” “People Who Use People,” “You Probably Think this World is about You,” “I’d Like to Fill the World with Kids,” “Ain’t We Got Guns,” and “Let’s Call the Whole Vote Off.”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – Ka•Put – a nerve-racking game of mining

Cornithaca County is a fictitious name for a real future. The first part of this book will contain stories, games, jokes, and activities that dissect the actions and intent of elitist policy making in the county. The second part will document actual incidents and issues that raise questions about the conduct of those who have been entrusted with the welfare of the public at large. At the end of the book, I will present a powerful circumstantial case — and a chilling denouement.

Early preview page:

Kap•Put gets its name from the word “kaput,” meaning “utterly finished” or “destroyed.”

Players compete to mine as much salt as possible from under the lake without creating a catastrophic breach in the lake bed. The players insert all the sticks into the game tube and then place all the community’s marbles on top of them. One by one every player points the connecting tunnel towards their mine and removes a stick hoping that all the marbles stay on the top. Every marble that falls through displaces water along the tunnel and into the player’s mine – When their mine is filled, that player is out of the game, and must move to another community . . . whoever has the least disastrous flooding at the end of the game is the winner.


Already published and available online from Amazon , Barnes & Noble , and other retailers worldwide:

Family Farm Fun: A Satirical Activity & Game Book about the Hazards of Industrial Farming

Family Farm Fun: A Satirical Activity & Game Book about the Hazards of Industrial Farming by [Baird, Doug]

Learn about the plight of industrial farming with this satirical social justice activity book with games, mazes, sing-a-longs, poems, coloring pages, stories, and more — all to do with industrial farming from a rural point of view. You’ll laugh through each page and ponder the underlying causes of our country’s dangerous factory farming habits.

If you enjoyed documentaries like Super Size Me, What the Health? and Cowspiracy, then you’ll find Family Farm Fun an entertaining and enlightening add-on to the growing facts surrounding our food and the environment.

Part 8a Follow-up — Integrity and Transparency in Government – Deadly Drift

This follow-up blog to Part 8a lists the recipients and posts their responses to the issues detailed in Deadly Drift.

The letter and its enclosures were sent via USPS Express Mail envelopes by Certified Mail to ensure their tracking and receipt:

NYS Attorney General Letitia James

NYS Dept. of Health Howard A. Zucker, M.D., J.D.

NYS Senator Pamela Helming

Tompkins County Health Dept. Elizabeth Cameron

U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

Sen. Gillibrand and both state and county health departments claimed they had “no jurisdiction” and “no oversight” and told me to go elsewhere, while Sen. Helming and the Attorney General’s Office merely passed my complaint of the NYSDEC’s misconduct back to the NYSDEC for their review. The NYSDEC, in turn, dismissed my complaint without ever addressing the evidence. Their investigation could be summarized in seven words: “It was done right and that’s that!”

Continue reading Part 8a Follow-up — Integrity and Transparency in Government – Deadly Drift

Part 8c – Integrity and Transparency in Government – New York State Tax Refunds

New York State website headline:

“May 31, 2017 Albany, NY — Governor Cuomo Announces Tax Department Stopped More Than 330,000 Suspicious Refund Claims”

In 2018 the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance refused to send my mother her 2017 income tax refund, and instead demanded “additional information.” The questionable circumstances surrounding their refusal may be symptomatic of a larger issue affecting New York’s vulnerable elderly taxpayers.

At the age of 94, my mother, receiving a municipal pension plan and Social Security, and taking a standard deduction, seems an unlikely candidate for a tax refund scammer. Her Federal and New York State tax forms had reported incomes from these same sources for the last ten years, and TurboTax’s “Audit Risk Meter” had remained at the very bottom of the risk scale all that time.

Nevertheless, New York State found her tax return “suspicious,” so I filled out the supplied form and sent it, along with the required copies of additional information, by Certified Mail. The refund check arrived in June of that year.

In 2019 the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance refused to send my mother her 2018 income tax refund, and again demanded “additional information,” even though all the income was from the same sources and virtually identical to the return from year before that had been subsequently approved.

I filled out the new form and sent it, along with the required copies of additional information, by Certified Mail.

In a space provided on the form, I requested the reason for their refusal and the need for the additional forms and paperwork.

The refund check arrived in June of this year. No explanation for their repeated refusals has been received.

When I first told her that we needed to send another form and more tax documents to Albany to try to get her a refund, my mother responded: “Don’t bother.”

Could the explanation be simply that by creating difficulties and barriers to the claiming of legitimate tax refunds, some taxpayers would be unwilling or unable to collect them?

And if their programming refused my mother a refund on the basis of her return, wouldn’t many other elderly taxpayers on fixed incomes be selected for the same treatment?

As mentioned in the introduction to this series:

In each blog, I will focus on an actual incident or issue that raises questions about the conduct of those who have been entrusted with the welfare of the public at large.

The questions and facts of the case will be included in a letter sent to the persons responsible for regulatory oversight, as well as to our elected representatives. The body of the letter will be disclosed in each blog, and the results of these letters and the names of recipients will be posted as updates.

At the end of the series, I will summarize the findings as to whether the response of Tompkins County public officials has been consistent with their duty to protect the public at large.

Below is the body of the letter:

I am writing to request that you look into the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance’s policy for stopping “Suspicious Refund Claims.”

I believe that the tax refund claims of New York’s vulnerable elderly are being stopped without proper reason by the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, and in a manner that unfairly persuades the elderly to relinquish these claims to the benefit of said taxing authority.

 New York State website headline:

“May 31, 2017 Albany, NY — Governor Cuomo Announces Tax Department Stopped More Than 330,000 Suspicious Refund Claims”

“The system’s predictive analytics and rules sift billions of data points to determine when to process a refund request or return and when it requires greater scrutiny.”

New York State Acting Commissioner of Taxation and Finance Nonie Manion said, “Our award-winning analytics system allows us to review each of the 10 million personal income tax returns as we receive them to stop suspicious returns and efficiently process the rest.”

Since the programming used by Taxation and Finance will select all similar returns and stop the refunds, the following example will be sufficient to extrapolate a serious problem in their methodology.

In 2018 the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance refused to send my mother her 2017 income tax refund, and instead demanded “additional information.”

At the age of 94, my mother, receiving a municipal pension plan and Social Security, and taking a standard deduction, seems an unlikely candidate for a tax refund scammer. Her Federal and New York State tax forms had reported incomes from these same sources for the last ten years, and TurboTax’s “Audit Risk Meter” had remained at the very bottom of the risk scale all that time.

Nevertheless, New York State found her tax return “suspicious,” so I filled out the supplied form and sent it, along with the required copies of additional information, by Certified Mail. The refund check arrived in June of that year.

In 2019 the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance refused to send my mother her 2018 income tax refund, and again demanded “additional information,” even though all the income was from the same sources and virtually identical to the return from year before that had been subsequently approved.

In a space provided on the form, I requested the reason for their refusal and the need for the additional forms and paperwork.

The refund check arrived in June of this year. No explanation for their repeated refusals has been received.

When I first told her that we needed to send another form and more tax documents to Albany to try to get her a refund, my mother responded: “Don’t bother.”

Could the explanation be simply that by creating difficulties and barriers to the claiming of legitimate tax refunds, some taxpayers would be unwilling or unable to collect them?

And if their programming refused my mother a refund on the basis of her return, wouldn’t many other elderly taxpayers on fixed incomes be selected for the same treatment?

In addition, the Department of Taxation and Finance only allows two avenues for questioning its decision: Visit their website or call them at 518-485-6808.

Visiting their website is not a real option for many elderly, who have no experience with computers or access to the internet. The phone number given is a toll number and would require a daytime long distance call for the majority of elderly using a land-line telephone. When I called this number on a land-line, I was informed there was an estimated wait time of more than 20 minutes before I could even speak with anyone — I hung up immediately and was charged $1.26.

With their imposition of extra forms and paperwork, and the difficulty and expense in questioning or clarifying the Department of Taxation and Finance’s decisions, it’s a policy that would scare off many fixed income elderly residents who are already living lives of complication and apprehension.

How many legitimate tax refunds have been wrongfully retained by New York State through the creation of barriers that are difficult for the elderly to overcome? It doesn’t require an “award-winning analytics system” to predict — quite a few.

This abuse will continue as long as it remains unchecked.

Please let me know what you are doing to correct this situation.

Part 8b – Integrity and Transparency in Government – Non-Disclosure Agreement?

While New York State merely discloses that living in an Agricultural District may expose residents to “activities that cause noise, dust and odors,” the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has expressed the opinion that laws in an Agricultural District “may be inadequate for ensuring the safety of our environment and for protecting citizens from serious injury.”

The current New York Agricultural District Disclosure Form and Notice may help bolster the rural real estate market and maintain higher assessments for taxing authorities, but it also encourages prospective buyers to assume a risk of “serious injury” for themselves and their families without being made aware that this risk even exists.

New York State needs to take reasonable steps to ensure that prospective buyers understand the financial and health risks of living in an Agricultural District so that they are in a position to make an informed decision.

Updating New York’s Agricultural District Disclosure Form and Notice is an important first step.

As mentioned in the introduction to this series:

In each blog, I will focus on an actual incident or issue that raises questions about the conduct of those who have been entrusted with the welfare of the public at large.

The questions and facts of the case will be included in a letter sent to the persons responsible for regulatory oversight, as well as to our elected representatives. The body of the letter will be disclosed in each blog, and the results of these letters and the names of recipients will be posted as updates.

At the end of the series, I will summarize the findings as to whether the response of Tompkins County public officials has been consistent with their duty to protect the public at large.

Below is the body of the letter:

I am writing you to request that you update the New York State Agricultural District Disclosure Form and Notice to ensure that prospective buyers understand the financial and health risks of living in an Agricultural District so that they are in a position to make an informed decision.

From the NYS Agricultural District Disclosure Form and Notice:

“This disclosure notice is to inform prospective residents that the property they are about to acquire lies partially or wholly within an agricultural district and that farming activities occur within the district.  Such farming activities may include, but not limited to, activities that cause noise, dust and odors.”

The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit [Mather v. Willet Dairy] in finding against plaintiffs suffering from the effects of manure off-gassing that included brain damage in one child and the surgical removal of eyelids in an adult commented:

“We recognize that limiting citizen suits in this respect can cause serious injury to persons living near environmental dangers if the DEC and other environmental regulatory agencies are unable to monitor and sanction polluters effectively before compliance deadlines. Given that Willet Dairy had more than seven years before it was required to comply fully with its permit, that means no citizen could have brought a suit over that entire time for CWA violations. Such regulatory agencies may be unable to ensure that polluters are acting in accordance with their compliance schedules, given the numerous violations likely to occur. Consequently, limiting the ability of ‘private attorneys general’ to bring suit until after compliance deadlines may be inadequate for ensuring the safety of our environment and for protecting citizens from serious injury. But that is the remedy that Congress has provided and to which we are bound.”

Manure lagoons have been shown to harbor and emit over 400 VOCs and toxic gases [including Hydrogen Sulfide and Methane], more than 150 dangerous pathogens [including E. coli, Cryptosporidium and Anthrax], growth hormones, heavy metals, antimicrobials and antibiotics.

Particulate matter from agricultural sources contains up to 100 times the amount of bacteria and fungi as normal air.    

CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cites the threat of antibiotic resistance:

“When animals are given antibiotics for growth promotion or increased feed efficiency, bacteria are exposed to low doses of these drugs over a long period of time. This is inappropriate antibiotic use and can lead to the development of resistant bacteria.”

“Resistant germs from the animal gut can also get into the environment, like water and soil, from animal manure.”

Although decades of scientific reports have expressed concern for the health of neighbors impacted by agricultural activities and cited the need for further investigation, no comprehensive or long-term studies have ever been made.

Many Agricultural District wells have been polluted through manure spills and other agricultural activities. Buyers need to be informed that well owners are solely responsible for the safety and quality of their well water [and that remedies, such as reverse osmosis and drinking bottled water are very expensive.]

Prospective buyers need also to be made aware that “satellite” lagoons containing millions of gallons of liquid manure may be constructed next to rural residences on any land owned or bought by a farm and at the sole discretion of the farmer.

And that in an Agricultural District the “right of use and enjoyment” of the buyer’s property will be effectively subordinated to any agricultural activity designated as a “sound agricultural practice” by the New York Commissioner of Agriculture and Markets.

From the NYS Agricultural District Disclosure Form and Notice:

“Prospective purchasers are urged to contact the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets to obtain additional information or clarification regarding their rights and obligations under Article 25-AA of the Agricultural and Markets Law.”

Looking for clarification of risks associated with living in an Agricultural District, I called the number listed on the Ag and Markets webpage. I was answered by an operator at the NYS Dept. of Ag and Markets Call Center. The operator was surprised and said she didn’t get calls about this. After a couple of minutes of research, she forwarded me to Land and Water Resources where someone there put me through to another party to answer my questions. He stated it was a “complicated law” and spoke of “farmers seeking protection” from towns and neighbors and restrictive laws.

When I pressed him about the health risks, he stated everything was on a “case by case” basis, and if I identified the parcel there might be some hazardous material sheets, but I should really get in touch with the Agricultural District Coordinator from Cornell Cooperative Extension. Recognizing the name of the Coordinator, and having had issues with that person’s assertion that nobody but farmers deserved to live in North Lansing, I stopped the bureaucratic handoff at this point.

According to real estate professionals; this disclosure notice is not presented to a prospective buyer until the time the contract for the offer is being drawn up.

Given the late timing of its presentation, the lack of meaningful disclosure within the Notice itself, and my inability to “obtain additional information or clarification regarding their rights and obligations” — the NYS Agricultural District Disclosure Form and Notice is a document whose purpose is to limit the warranty of prospective buyers without their knowledge.

If this is an oversight, it can be fixed. If it’s deliberate, it’s an unconscionable contract.

Please let me know what steps you plan to take to correct this.

Part 8a – Integrity and Transparency in Government – Deadly Drift

This is an incident that happened to me. Here is how I described it in blog 7b – In an Ag Zone, No One Can Hear You Scream:

“Early Sunday morning, June 4, 2017, I was sicker than I had ever been before.

Too sick to even bend over, as I vomited all over the toilet, myself, and the bathroom floor— and I didn’t even care.

The previous afternoon, when I was outside mowing the lawn, a high-clearance agricultural boom sprayer sped towards me from an adjoining field and sprayed me with a cloud of a toxic herbicide.”

The subsequent conduct of the NYSDEC in the handling of their investigation of this incident and what appears to be inadequate oversight and control of licensed herbicide applicators are the issues on which I am requesting action.

While blog 7b describes the incident and investigation in some detail, several items will be added to the evidence being sent:

  • NOAA’s local weather records for the afternoon of the incident
  • Comments on the quality of the NYSDEC report by an expert
  • A photo of the site where the incident occurred

As mentioned in the introduction to this series:

In each blog, I will focus on an actual incident or issue that raises questions about the conduct of those who have been entrusted with the welfare of the public at large.

The questions and facts of the case will be included in a letter sent to the persons responsible for regulatory oversight, as well as to our elected representatives. The body of the letter will be disclosed in each blog, and the results of these letters and the names of recipients will be posted as updates.

At the end of the series, I will summarize the findings as to whether the response of Tompkins County public officials has been consistent with their duty to protect the public at large.

Below is the body of the letter:

I am writing you to request an investigation into an incident of agricultural herbicide poisoning that occurred on June 3, 2017, as well as the conduct of the NYSDEC in conducting an investigation of this incident.

I was finishing mowing my lawn on my rider mower when I noticed a self-propelled high-wheel boom sprayer moving rapidly in my direction from the north. It turned at a right angle to move quickly across the northern boundary of my lawn less than thirty feet away, and I was engulfed in a strong smelling cloud of what I later found out was Roundup. I was unable to escape because after sitting on the mower for an hour-and-a-half, at my age and condition, it takes five to ten seconds just to stand up straight.

It was a windy day. My weather station showed winds of 20 mph and the grass clippings were really flying.

I went inside and washed, but there was nothing I could do about the herbicide I had breathed in or gotten up my nose.

Early Sunday morning, June 4, 2017, I was sicker than I had ever been before.

Too sick to even bend over, as I vomited all over the toilet, myself, and the bathroom floor— and I didn’t even care.

I was in bed for 24 hours, and it was many days before I seemingly recovered.

The NYSDEC did not follow even the basic guidelines for an investigation, and never explored the reasons for the event or tried to identify the immediate and underlying causes. Instead of collecting the facts they noted only that the driver/applicator “disputed the wind speed.” The local NOAA weather records show wind speeds of 13 – 16 mph that afternoon, with gusts up to 23 mph — confirming my statement. 

It is impossible that anyone could spray under the conditions that existed that afternoon and be unaware of the wind. I also do not find it believable that Helena Chemical would not monitor wind and weather conditions and so be unaware of those conditions when they applied herbicides.

While I do not have any definitive documentation for my claims of the boom sprayer’s speed, the NYSDEC report’s evidence is indicative. “Overspray of herbicide was found on the south and east edge of the property” that was caused by herbicide applied against a NW wind. The distance that the boom must have been swung into my yard to cause that to happen is another indication of the lack of care and control with which the herbicide was applied.

The most glaring omission in the report is the absence of any investigation into how the driver/applicator could have missed seeing me on a rider mower while traveling toward me for over a hundred yards at “12 mph” and sitting in an elevated position with a completely unobstructed view — a distance that would take 18 seconds to cover at that speed.

I was unable to get permission to use a photo of one of these large boom sprayers; however these are typical specifications: height 12 feet, length 28 feet, width without boom 12 feet, and with boom extended 90-120 feet. Weight 35,000 lbs.  Spray tank size 1000-1600 gallons. Road speed with boom folded 30-40 mph. Spray application speed with boom unfolded up to 25 mph. The NYSDEC report called this high-clearance boom sprayer a “tractor.” This is a term and a usage I have never seen listed for these machines in any manufacturer’s literature.

In addition, I also found that many of my statements in the report were twisted and misrepresented in a way that could be used to discredit my testimony.

The NYSDEC report was reviewed by Gary Van Houten, a laboratory and field scientist with twelve years of inspection experience with the NYS DOH and The Cortland County Health department, where he held the title of Environmental Laboratory Consultant and Sanitarian, respectively.  He noted the following:

“The first being an investigative report should be FACTUAL, not INTERPETIVE, as in “Expressed views that was politically active against farming.” The second was the use of an exclamation point at the end of “case closed” which to me is highly unprofessional, and may be presenting a bias.”

“I also question (with ignorance on my part) if Jeffery Krueger has the authority to close the case, and was it done with the approval of his supervisor?”

Large self-propelled sprayers can cover a 30 acre field in a matter of minutes, arriving unannounced and departing without the knowledge of those affected by the herbicide drift.

In recounting my poisoning incident to others, I found that incidents of herbicide drift and its effects were not uncommon in the community. While one resident mentioned seeing herbicide drifting onto clothes hung out to dry, another was unaware that herbicide had been sprayed and made no connection to the nausea and other symptoms he experienced until later. Some spoke of the high rate of cancer in their family.

Every new report about Roundup seems to reveal another health risk. This herbicide is routinely sprayed on many thousands of acres around and among the residences of our rural families and their children, and from my and other’s experiences, without regard for our safety.

NYSDEC is directly responsible for issuing herbicide application permits and for the oversight of their proper use. Their professional and ethical conduct is essential to the health and well-being of the rural community.

Any investigation should include a check of Helena Chemicals’ records of herbicide applications against the local weather records to establish how often Roundup and other herbicides have been sprayed in dangerously windy conditions.

In addition, were there any changes of policy or personnel made within Helena Chemical at the time of my herbicide poisoning and complaint that would indicate knowledge of wrongdoing and an attempt to cover up, and did the NYSDEC had any involvement in these changes?

The NYSDEC has sometimes been pejoratively referred to by rural residents as the “Department of Environmental Corruption” — isn’t it time we changed that?

Coming next: Part 8b — Non-Disclosure Agreement?

Part 8 – Integrity and Transparency in Government Introduction

Does the public have any meaningful participation in Tompkins County’s policies?

Is the county being run for the health and well-being of all the people?

Are the county’s policies formulated for long term sustainability, or short-term gain?

In each blog, I will focus on an actual incident or issue that raises questions about the conduct of those who have been entrusted with the welfare of the public at large.

The questions and facts of the case will be included in a letter sent to the persons responsible for regulatory oversight, as well as to our elected representatives. The body of the letter will be disclosed in each blog, and the results of these letters and the names of recipients will be posted as updates.

At the end of the series, I will summarize the findings as to whether the response of Tompkins County public officials has been consistent with their duty to protect the public at large.  

Coming next week: Part 8a — Deadly Drift  

New “Factory Farm Fun Book” Update

The layouts for two-thirds of this 100 page activity book have been completed. Below is a second sampling of pages.

Mortality Maze
Pandemic Sing-a-long
Hatch and Release
Rural Sorrow Hopscotch
The Urban Dairy
Follow the Regulator
The New Food Pyramid
Farm Harm Poster – Respirators 101
Farm Harm Coloring Page – Blue Babies

The next blog series, Part 8 – Disclosure, Ethics and Image: Honesty in Government & Agriculture, is moving slowly towards posting. This series will be a departure from earlier blogs, and will signal a change from commentary to a call for action.

Blog Special – Book Publication Announcement and New Book Preview

“You Know You Live near a Factory Farm When Your Kids Go Fishing with a Pool Skimmer”

In Rural America the biggest threat to the health and well-being of the community is the same activity that once strengthened and nurtured it — farming. Industrial farming is rolling the dice against a dystopian future of environmental meltdown, antibiotic-resistant pathogens, and genetically modified organisms in a race to quickly amass wealth. Using a simple picture-book style, and the buoyancy of humor, this book navigates the flood of destructive farming practices that have already engulfed the rural community, and are spreading.

Print and eBook available at


Barnes and Noble.com


eBook available at



And other retailers worldwide


A preview of the second book in the Factory Farm series:

“The Factory Farm Fun Book”

Over a hundred pages of jokes, riddles, games and activities, mazes, poems, sing-a-longs, connect-the dots, humorous stories and more!


Escape from the Factory Farm board game from the “Factory Farm Fun Book”

Herbicide Drift Maze from the “Factory Farm Fun Book”

GMO Corn Maze photo-spread from the “Factory Farm Fun Book”

How Many Toxic Gas Plumes [are escaping from this manure pit?] game from the “Factory Farm Fun Book”

Pin the Tail on the Legislator party game from the “Factory Farm Fun Book”

Corporate Pushback Balloon Relay game from the “Factory Farm Fun Book”

Factory Farm Days article from the “Factory Farm Fun Book”