“The World According to Doctrine” — Caught between a rock and the fool

“The World According to Doctrine” — Caught between a rock and the fool

We’re on a moving platform: a raft of excuses – riding on a deteriorating society – in a deteriorating world. When everything is going down the shitter at the same time – do you have a sense of movement? Is it really worthwhile to enumerate all the areas where profit, power, and politics have placed a glowing billboard of the future to block our vision of reality?

In “Aguirre, the Wrath of God”; soldiers are trapped on a raft – circling a whirlpool – and beyond any means of saving – and without hope. Our government’s “socialist” policies aren’t about people – they’re about authority – the madness of Aguirre – and it they can’t have the world — no on can.   

“The World According to Doctrine” — A pebble in the unruffled fool

“The World According to Doctrine” — A pebble in the unruffled fool

It’s not like any of our problems are being solved – they’re just being regularized. Remember the “Dead Zone” in the Gulf of Mexico? It’s still there. The government’s 2001 Action Plan to “reduce, mitigate, and control hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico and improve water quality in the Mississippi River Basin” – was followed [after 4 years of reassessment] by the 2008 revised Action Plan – that called for a reassessment every 5 years – and the 2013 reassessment led to the 2015 Goal Framework that updated the time of attainment for the original goal – establishing an “interim target” for 2025.

When does the unconscionable become the conventional? 

“The World According to Doctrine” — A pebble in the unruffled pool: Abortion

“The World According to Doctrine” — A pebble in the unruffled pool: Abortion

That’s OK; they’re not human beings. That’s OK; they’re too old anyway. That’s OK; it’s a male’s duty to sacrifice themselves. That’s OK; they’re Jews.

Historically: categorizing people as disposable; is the first step in disposing of them. And while it takes two to tango – it only takes one to dance. Or pull the plug.

“The World According to Doctrine” — A pebble in the unruffled pool: Prostitution

“The World According to Doctrine” — A pebble in the unruffled pool: Prostitution

A pebble in the unruffled pool of self-satisfaction. More than the arrogance with which they pronounce their doctrine of privilege and hate – it’s the smug self-satisfaction of their “one thought – one taught – one voice – one choice” enthronement that makes a perfect target. Is nothing sacred?