Like a product development deconstruction on the eve of destruction – you can’t teach sense to a fool: but you can sell him almost anything. That’s why sellers have become shamelessly self-promoting: of themselves. Buy the image and feel good about yourself. Swallow the hype and buy the tripe.
As the old world passes – there’s a new world of opportunity for those who can ride the collapsing wave. Business and education can always profit from new policies: especially government mandated ones – so pull yourself up by your bootstraps, have a generous helping of free lunch, and ensure greater profits from the Greater Good.
“A finger on the scale – will prevail.” Living in an Ivy League ruled county – whose authorities and planners despise rural people and covet their land: takes away the legitimacy of any “outrageous” and “preposterous” comments on this more-scary-than-satirical piece of blatant oppression. The collegiate elite are molding the future of Tompkins County – and the rural population is just excess material.
It’s not wildly satirical – it’s not even moderately satirical – it’s a projection of today onto the near future. I don’t make any distant future satires; because our future ends before then. “Earth’s poor will be replaced – by billionaires in space.”
The days of freedom are over. The piñata of public participation has only showered us with comment forms and bureaucratic feces. The thrill of eluding oppression has turned into a fear of the open sky: with no safe place to rest.
Everything is gray – without difference or distance – “The party’s over.”
Like those smiling drug commercials that cure your appearance; but whose side effects include dangerous conditions and death – the Doctrine that claims it will cure our unsightly society; can lead to equally negative outcomes from the application of their “one thought fits all” nostrums – and from the refusal to apply them.
Attempts at public participation in government will only lead to a wall of negation – but publicly criticizing Doctrine can result in a much more participatory experience.
And while there are no requirements to post a “Beware of” Doctrine warning sign; take care: it doesn’t always bark before it bites.
When race is the basis; The whole place is racist. Don’t do the crime – if you can’t take the rhyme. Our Social Policies are like giving the power of attorney to a stranger – with delusions of grandeur.
A collage of billboards from the “Cornithaca County” book. Even in modern times; billboards still capture your attention and intrude on your thoughts – the perfect size and “volume” for doctrinal persuasion — and for the threat behind the persuasion.