Humility is a no-show in today’s self-inflated society: where greed, ambition, and arrogance combine to make a name for people who would have had a very different name in the past.
When the only crime is not getting what you want – victims are just collateral at the waterhole.
“We can share what we got of yours, ’cause we done shared all of mine” — Grateful Dead. “Jack Straw”
While much is made of sharing out Social Security and the benefits of a lifetime of toil – we are living in a time that is notably lacking in togetherness and empathy.
Once we pass the threshold of our giving; we reach a deserted plateau indifference – where even the cries of our COVID “die off” are sucked into non-existence.
Our sharing is a Millennial Judgement – the expiation of some kind of Doctrinal “Original Sin” – a giving of tribute: a recognition of superiority.
Maybe their sharing would reduce their perfection by some small amount – or acknowledgement of us would make them unclean.
They won’t even share the time to try to understand.
The froth of unhappiness and discord that rises to the top of every issue is a product of the divisive politics of our time. Politicians use hate, fear, and envy to pry apart communities into voting blocks – more concerned with getting themselves elected; than the welfare of the electorate.
Ruling over a society in turmoil only increases their chances acquiring more power and control. Divide and conquer is as old as ambition.
The new millennium is so naïve: they believe they’re different. We’re making a history that will serve as a cautionary tale — if we live that long.
Unlike the 60’s – today’s social upheaval is not fueled by the recognition that everybody is deserving of human respect and worth — but by a self-serving denial of that truth.
Our social policies are 180 degrees away from the beliefs of people like Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr — and are excused with the rhetoric that doing evil to some; will bring about good for all.
It’s not a belief that builds and nurtures -– it’s a rioting mob that destroys; and uses the violence of that destruction to protect the looters and intimidate their victims.
These New School Nazis have adopted all the old Nazi paradigms of “place by race” and reinterpreted historical postulates.
The biggest irony could be – that all this mindless looting and hate filled taking is in the shadow of our extinction.
There are no U-Hauls to Heaven – or to Hell . . . or to the event horizon.
Welcome to the Future — this way to the Exit . . . for everybody.
What does “sustainability” mean? It’s too useful and too usable a word not to have been stretched out and fancied-up to cover everything possible. “Sustainable” sounds like a solution – even if it’s not. “Sustainable” is keeping to the same story – as long as the facts don’t come out. “Sustainable” is taking less fish – in a massive dying off. “Sustainable” is doing too little – until it’s too late.
Like children puzzling out words in a book and pretending they wrote it – today’s scientists seem unable to grasp the scope of what they are unleashing – or admit their inability to control or stop the process.
Emerging technologies more dangerous that any nuclear proliferation are being put into the self-serving hands of politicians and corporations – and proclaimed to a rhetoric-reassured public.
Scientists are betting the end of our existence against the achievement of fame, fortune, and the realization of their dreams – knowing that no matter how the cards fall — only they will ever collect.
Alarmist? Scientists have discovered everything from microplastics in our blood to accelerating Climate Change.
Are these recent discoveries? Or are they unable-to-keep-the-secret-any-longer admissions?
Why were unborn children declared to not to be human beings in New York State? Because it was a convenient way to bypass their legal protection. New York has become a place where every right; even your right to exist – has become conditional. Conditional upon the profit of those in power. Human use, not human worth, is their grounding ethic.
It’s not surprising that in the instant of birth: these same children who are not human beings – become the most important human beings of all – follow the money.
New York’s political gang-in-charge is washing their corrupt and conniving image clean with money, money, and money— but after Election Day; when the money stops flowing, and their media frenzy abates – they’ll be just as corrupt, and just as conniving.
You can’t wash dirty politics clean with dirty money — you can only muddy the waters. And you can’t stop a victim from being a victim; by declaring them disposable. That’s true for unborn children, the elderly, and the growing list of victims in the New York State of disposables.
The back of the bus – the end of the string – by putting rural people last; they’re able to oppress by exclusion – we get less, or nothing: because there’s nothing left – someone measured wrong – it’s unexpected – there isn’t enough money – enough workers – enough government interest. They always run out of everything; by giving plenty to everyone else first.
There are exceptions: the tax assessors are never too busy to give us the highest possible assessments. Tompkins County’s policies are forcing the same rural families that its roads were named after out of their homes. Does that mean that policies will be changed? Of course not — it means they’re working.
There are none so dumb; as those who will not think. No questioning, no debate, no critical thinking, NO dissent — today’s “acadumbic” institutions are not beacons of light: they’re towers of surveillance. If any unconforming concept, study, or proposal appears anywhere in our Society: its originators are shouted down to quiet them – and beaten down to punish them.