“The World According to Doctrine” — “An ounce of prevention. . .”

“An ounce of prevention. . .”

Not all problems can be cured – so doesn’t it make sense to prevent the problem and avoid the use of dangerous poisons? Not to our government.

Politicians and Policy Makers are clearing the fields of our Society of all unwanted growth with wide-spectrum poisons – destroying the families, institutions, and religions that compete with the varieties they wish to grow.

Decades of experimentation and reformulation have led to the creation of GMOs [Government Modified Organizations] designed to be resistant to these poisons – and replace our non-conforming heritage society. To carry the analogy further; these “GMOs” do not have the ability to reproduce and survive on their own – but must be seeded, grown and harvested; generation after generation: in the forms and varieties chosen by those in charge.

“Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind” — and our government plans to profit from them both.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “There’s no difference between. . .”

“There’s no difference between. . .”

Morality is oppressive, and compassion is conditional upon the recipient: today’s doctrine is stripped down to the basics – privilege and hate – what’s in it for you; and who do you have it in for.

“It’s only a temporary condition – and it will all blow over” – I bet there were many Jews who counseled the same viewpoint.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “When you’re waving on the roof. . .”

“When you’re waving on the roof. . .”

We live in a world where an authoritative explanation is considered the same as a solution. We’re told that the recent “1,000-year floods” are due to climate change, and “what would normally be a small and consistent trickle of water over the course of the year, becomes a large bucket dumped all at once” – concluding that “we need to rethink everything about how we build where we build.”

Ya think? Don’t fix the climate change; fix the building codes? Maybe we should rethink everything again.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Science isn’t Science anymore”

“Science isn’t Science anymore”

Shamelessly self-promoting: science has become a platform for the destruction of humanity – a tool of the rich and powerful; selling a vaporware future to an anxious population.

In our unhappy world: Science keeps piling block on top of block; to make a bigger pile of blocks – with the singlemindedness of a Scrooge – never admitting the need for responsibility and accountability – and with no epiphany in sight.

Science has traded the adult wisdom of fallibility; for the adolescent; “Look what I can do!”

Now what can they do to fix it?

“The World According to Doctrine” — Wikipedia: so many “lenses”. . .

Wikipedia: so many “lenses”. . .

It’s tough to get your feet under you when the ground is constantly shifting. Wikipedia is as level a field as the Grand Canyon – with all the clarity of a bar on Saturday night.

With each article; consider the source: Did they bother to clean the lens they’re using — or even remove the lens cap?