“The World According to Doctrine” — “Form Based Evil” board game – Free Download on Download Page

“The World A“Form Based Evil” board game

“Form Based Evil” board game – Free Download

“A Clue-type game for a clueless Society”

Welcome to Form Based Evil. Your hope for the future, Public Participation, has met an untimely end – the victim of a foul Doctrine. To win back freedom; you must answer three questions: Where did it happen? How did it happen? And who should be held accountable?

Each player represents an iconic motive in a society gone wrong. Players need to move their tokens around the board and gather clues by entering different rooms. Every time they enter a new room; it’s another chance to get closer to the truth by using the process of elimination.

“Form Based Evil” Board Game (541 downloads )

“The World According to Doctrine” — “You’ve made your bed. . .” Bumper sticker

“You’ve made your bed. . .” Bumper sticker

“You made your bed; now die in it.” This updated expression more truly defines the unpleasant results of government policies world-wide; than all the official hand-outs people are scared not to believe — believe it. The recent heat wave in Europe is nothing compared the severity and frequency of climate change disasters coming in the next few years – tumbling into migration, starvation, poverty, global unrest – and “conflict.”

Our government is possessed of a megalomania that allows them to think that they can solve life-and-death problems by just repressing the little people, while still keeping their “business as usual” cronies flush and plush. Extinction-risking emerging technologies are the “magic bullets” offered by their scientific counterparts to make this happen. They’re gambling the world — but if they can’t have it; no one can.

“The World According to Doctrine” — Simple Solutions: “Styrofoam Coffins”

Simple Solutions: “Styrofoam Coffins”

The possibilities are endless – mold them in the shape of your favorite anime characters – go sarcophagus; have your face replace the Pharos’s – your favorite car; to speed you on the way [maybe that’s how you got there in the first place] – Stackable and interlocking to create a whole family tree – and the franchise potential . . .

“The World According to Doctrine” — Form Based Evil board game “A Clue type game for a clueless Society”

“A Clue type game for a clueless Society”

“A Clue type game for a clueless Society” Is it a “beat down at the puppet show?” or an “adjudication by stone the unbeliever” the “wrong-place-at-the-wrong-time in the green space” – or even an “organ harvest in the school room”?

Ms. Green, Halfaman Yellow, Megalomania Magenta, Racial Red, Patrician Plum, and White-boy Blue are the characters – the game board is done – I’ll just finish the cards – and free download for fun.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Using isn’t about who you are” Bumper sticker

“Using isn’t about who you are” Bumper sticker

“Reasonable,” “acceptable,” “equitable,” “necessary” — there are many descriptions for the acceptance of corruption, discrimination, cronyism and misconduct into our modern society. Everything moral is a gray area – and if someone else is doing it; you can too. Be a user; or be a loser.

There’s no shame when you can shrug off the blame.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “The elderly are no longer a source of wisdom” Bumper sticker

“The elderly are no longer a source of wisdom” Bumper sticker

Elderly COVID deaths for inheritance – unreported and un-prevented. With 750,000 people over the age of 65 dying from the COVID virus, and the current entitlement mind-set in the country — do you really believe it’s not happening?

Government and the media [and AARP] don’t want to upset them — isn’t that the same as animals in a slaughter house?

The elderly have been targeted for use; until they’re all used up. Then it will be someone else’s turn . . .

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Discrimination IS the law” Bumper sticker

“Discrimination IS the law” Bumper sticker

Discrimination: “the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.”

If you publicly proclaim you don’t do something – and you do it in secret — it’s still lying – it’s still deception – it’s still fraud.

If someone did that to you – you would know they can’t be trusted. When your government does that to you – you know they can’t be trusted either.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Adolescent Society” Bumper sticker

“Adolescent Society” Bumper sticker

“In an Adolescent Society: Who do you pick for leaders?” It’s long been a question of responsibility vs self-interest in citizen voting – and when voters believe that responsibility is the duty other people have to take care of them – and accountability is the burden others must accept – what sort of leaders will they pick?

Scammers, schemers, users, fat-cat corruptors, wannabe dictators . . . well, just look around.