“Social Policy 2022: You don’t feel it in your heart – you feel it in their hate.” Like the “practical jokes” that are not jokes; but are evidence of a desire to hurt – there is a dark undercurrent in popular culture today.
Behind what has become polemic of discriminatory bias and accusatory arrogance; intolerance and bigotry preen and strut – fatuously declaiming what they are “owed.”
The brittle construct of judgmental “equality” has shattered; revealing an ugly landscape of greed, self-indulgence, and hate.
In “The Lossy Society – Old Folks” graphic; you can see the shadowy word; “shoes” – over the physicality of Nazi hate.
“Are these the shadows of the things that Will be, or are they shadows of things that May be, only?”
Scrooge had an epiphany — there is little evidence that we will.