“Global Destruction is what we get.” Global warming is always portrayed as something that will change your life; but not something that will end it. Science’s pride of always “leading us forward” leaves no room for the humility of stocktaking.
People often quote: “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing” – but the original saying was; “A little learning is a dangerous thing” — and with all their knowledge; “science” seems to have learned little from the disastrous miscalculations and unintended consequences of their past actions.
From “The Discovery of Global Warming”: “1986 Meltdown of reactor at Chernobyl (Soviet Union) cripples plans to replace fossil fuels with nuclear power” and “2011 Reaction to nuclear reactor disaster at Fukushima (Japan) ends hopes for a renaissance of nuclear power” – the dismissiveness of the loss of human life and million-year environmental recovery shown in this scientific historical viewpoint is only overshadowed by the certain repetition that the use of existing and future reactors would bring. How can “New and improved” protocols help? New and improved protocols were in place at Chernobyl and Fukushima — they’re plugging holes that are only discovered when they leak. Disastrously.
“Global Warming” may require more than sunscreen – you may need a submarine.