There’s “when you die; all the lights in the universe got out” and then; there’s “End of Days.” Greed, famine, and pandemics come together in a feeding frenzy of evildoing — but what will you be doing? This piece will present a number of different activities to help pass the time in God’s waiting room: from “Max your credit cards” [for early adopters] and “No Place to Hide” – spot the silly survivalists [they’ll be dead before they reach the first “sell by” date]; to the decadent thrill of “Open Burning” – “burn leaves and brush openly; with pride – burn your house; or your neighbor’s house.” So much to do – so little time. Which activities will make the cut? — that’s what End of Days is all about — you could “Dig your own grave” – but you’ve already done that. . . “Next!”
Month: November 2021
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Tompkins County: Proud to be ignorant” Bumper sticker
When there is only one belief; there is no need to look any further. Tompkins County’s doctrine pure don’t try to understand anything different; because it cannot be important – and it’s wrong. When there is only one belief; self-examination is unnecessary. When there is only one belief; there can only be believers. The Urban Colonialism of “New Urbanism” supporters sees only one form of living; spreading from one central seat of power – everyone and everything must conform – or be discarded. We’ve seen this kind of thinking before . . .
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “A house that is built on excuses” Bumper sticker
There are no fundamentals in government anymore; no foundation of human worth or meaningful participation: Just excuses that this new house will be sturdy enough to shelter us all – and road we are taking will lead us there in the end. How long will it be before people start to question: “when will we get there?” How long before they dare?
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – Doctrine Anger Warning Poster
This Warning is REAL. The Hate Gangs are real. This poster is reprinted for public awareness: it could save your life.
Forgiveness has no part in The Revealed Church of Secular Self-interest: it’s a Doctrine of privilege and hate.
Its members benefit from hate; they relieve repressed urges and envy through acts of hate; all those who oppose them or refuse them become targets of that hate.
Theirs is the sort of hate that feeds upon itself; cannibalizing each other if there is no other victim in view. And those who fear it the most; are those who are trapped within its ever-narrowing maze.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Everybody wants to succeed” Bumper sticker
“The fruits of their labor” is horribly Old School – 2021 isn’t about planting; it’s about harvesting – acquiring. The world isn’t a vineyard; it’s a product – it’s marketing. We have lost the connection with growing and making; and so have lost our deep connection to the real world of cause and effect. We live in a shallow adolescent world of cliques, and fads, and images – shrugging off the future. 2021 is all on the surface — and the problems run deep.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Go with the flow” Bumper sticker
I’m working with a minor official to make a difference in rural Tompkins County – and I haven’t heard from her in a while; so I sent an email this morning. There has been no reply. Helpful officials see things differently after an initial favorable response. Dictators see threats everywhere.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Zero Debt” Bumper sticker
There are promises that are meant to be kept . . . and there are promises that aren’t. And Biden’s “net zero 2050” has all the earmarks of unfulfilment – I’ll do my homework/clean my room/take out the dog/trash “later.”
Much later. Biden will probably be dead, and probably out of office – so it’s a safe bet to write an I.O.U. on. And there will be three decades of global warming/sea rising/population depleting/pandemic spreading disasters to distract the voters.
Considering that not one of the government’s environmental programs has had any teeth; or any impact – corporations will jump on board the marketing-profiting bandwagon.
“I lied before, but now I’m telling the truth, and I’ll pay you back with interest . . . and . . . can I just borrow a little more until payday – in 2050.”
I remember hearing an activist in the 60s saying: “If you see a pipe pouring out pollution; stop it up.”
I used to think that was a radical solution — now I think that it’s too late.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Form Based Thinking” Bumper sticker
Form Based Thinking does not lead by example; it leads by regulation; by Law; by forcing people to conform; by intimidation. Form Based Thinking sees gender and race as a way of compartmentalizing actions – in a way that directly contradicts every ethical and humanitarian precept.
Form Based Thinking is the thinking of the powerful: If you can divide people into the forms you choose; and regulate the attributes of those forms – you can ensure your position and power.
Form Based Thinking does no see humanity; it sees order — it’s diversity from a single viewpoint. Nobody is left behind . . . and nobody can leave their compartment.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “The good news?” Bumper sticker
In a world of users: someone’s always trying to get a handle on you. In New York State: Where lawmakers have declared that unborn children are not Human Beings — the same lawmakers declare that it’s compassion that shapes their policies. Our government is not about human worth: It’s all about the bottom line — and you can’t get any lower than their bottom line.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “COVID Inheritance Planning” Bumper sticker
The entitlement – the virus – over half-a-million elderly deaths – and no news stories? Don’t create any harmful anxiety — they might change their wills.