“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Times change – But for the better?” Bumper sticker

“Times change – But for the better?” Bumper sticker

“Times Change • But for the better?” The Adolescent Society is all pride and prevarications – so when they tell you they’re doing this so that things will be better in the future – they are only thinking about what they want now. “If you buy me a dog; I’ll take care of it.” Maturity and responsibility are Adult traits.

“Ethnic mix” was for everybody — today’s “Ethnic purity” is a proud doctrine of privilege and hate – argued for a future that is only an excuse; not a goal.

Everybody I respect; from Abraham Lincoln to Frederick Douglass, from Mother Teresa to Malcolm X: believed that the Only way to achieve a future of human worth and equality was by never practicing discrimination.

They weren’t fools. Human nature hasn’t changed; and these were smart people; people who heard a lifetime of arguments and pronouncements telling them that they should turn from that path – even if only a little bit, or just for a while – and they refused.

Does this mean you are walking on a different path? Yes, and if you think you’re heading to the same destination – just look who you’re on that path with. And clean up your room.