October 1, 2021 “All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Scientific protocols: Don’t protect us from harm” Bumper sticker

“Scientific protocols: Don’t protect us from harm” Bumper sticker

“Scientific protocols: Don’t protect us from harm – They protect scientists from accountability.” An important part of today’s regulatory process is how well it works to protect the interests of those who are regulated. We are a country filled with ineffectual environmental regulations; that effectively protect the polluters. Methods that “sustainably catch” the one kind of fish; while they are devastating to another. The slippery-sliding codes of “USDA Organic.” “Voluntary guidelines” and “Best” practices – best for who? Science’s disastrous history of the importation and introduction of already existing species; has in no way reduced their willingness to create and release new organisms of unknown potentialities and repercussions. So don’t look at it as putting your fingers in a grinder — look at it as getting a free multi-articulating myoelectric prosthetic hand. The road to hell is paved with good credentials.