New York refuses to disclose the serious health and financial risks of living near “modern farming methods”; or the risk of those “methods” moving in next to you.
New York refuses to disclose the extent of Agricultural pollution or meaningfully regulate its sources – while at the same time requiring the 3 of the 5 voting members of all “soil and water conservation committees” be from Agriculture.
New York refuses to disclose the externalized costs of Agriculture; bragging of their economic and tax benefits, while keeping quiet about programs like the Farmer’s School Tax Credit; that pays back Agricultural entities for 50 to 100 percent of their school taxes through levying additional state taxes on the residents.
“Urban Colonialism” paints a deliberately deceptive picture of modern Agriculture; while urban and suburban populations allow themselves to be convinced and placated – “it’s our food and it’s only those people who are complaining – they shouldn’t be living there anyway.”