After repeated complaints about hundreds of thru-cutting dump trucks to County representatives; requesting a 4 TON weight limit on our rural road; the County Highway Director stated “I have researched the area and talked to highway officials in Lansing and they report there are no large through haul trucks utilizing Lansingville Road.”
Photos documenting this truck traffic was sent with no response. Suddenly signs appeared stating a limit of “20 TONS” — a weight limit that would ensure continued road usage by these thru-cutting trucks, and five times the 4 TON weight limit of every other local road.
A complaint letter sent to the Deputy County Administrator resulted in a response that completely ignored the Highway Director’s false claims and strange behavior; saying that the Director “posted the road at 20 tons to limit through traffic of large trucks”. A follow up email urging the County to address the facts of the complaint was ignored.
From there on; County authorities stonewalled and refused to comment or acknowledge any communication.
The full story will be recounted in the upcoming expose: “Tompkins County and Tammany Hall [I can’t seem to find any difference at all]”