Corporate farms and corporate universities have a lot in common: They both hide their money-making agenda behind a façade of selfless good for the people.
There are no closer ties than our country’s “Land Grant” agricultural colleges and their multi-national Agribusiness contributors; and there is no partnership more dismissive of the health of environment and of our rural communities.
The “Case Closed!” speaks to the skewed “investigation” and blatant disregard for regulations of “Deadly Drift”; but there are many example of regulations enacted with legal loopholes already written in.
United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit: “limiting the ability of ‘private attorneys general’ to bring suit until after compliance deadlines may be inadequate for ensuring the safety of our environment and for protecting citizens from serious injury. But that is the remedy that Congress has provided and to which we are bound.”
Congress is in no hurry to change that. We don’t matter.