There was an investigative television show about Doctor in Florida whose fake biopsy reports showed every skin blemish on his elderly patients to be cancerous, and require the most invasive [and most expensive] skin cancer surgery. The spouses who brought these patients were also talked into having biopsies that resulted in the discovery of even more cancers requiring this profitable surgery. When whistle blowers reported to Medicare the hundreds and hundreds of unnecessary, and very painful, surgical procedures they were being billed for: Medicare replied that as long as the operations were being performed; the doctor had a right to be paid.
This bears a striking similarity to Government’s role as the doctors of our society: they are constantly finding dangerous “ills” that need immediate surgery, and more governmental power, to eradicate.
The more power they are given; the more ills they seem to find.
And who is playing the role of Medicare? That’s us, stupid.
In a universe run by cause and effect; such coincidences need to be viewed with suspicion.